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Rabbit coloring book

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Learn about rabbits

Rabbits are small, furry mammals that belong to the Leporidae family. They are found living in the wild and also kept as popular house pets. Rabbits are known for their distinctive long ears, whiskers, and fluffy round tails.

There are over 50 different species of wild rabbits found around the world. They typically have compact, muscular bodies covered in soft fur that provides insulation and camouflage. Rabbits live in underground burrow systems called warrens. They are mostly active at dawn and dusk.

Domesticated rabbits were originally bred from European wild rabbits. As pets, rabbits are quiet and clean animals that bond closely with their human owners. They communicate through body language and make a variety of sounds like grunting or teeth purring to express happiness.

Rabbits are herbivores and their diet consists of hay, grasses, vegetables and leafy greens. They have powerful hind legs that allow them to run at high speeds and make great jumping escapes. The phrase “breed like rabbits” refers to how quickly rabbits reproduce.

Whether living in natural habitats or as household pets, rabbits are engaging animals. Their energetic, gentle nature makes them very likeable. The rabbit remains a beloved symbol of Easter, springtime and new beginnings in many cultures.

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