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Monkey coloring book

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Learn about monkeys

Monkeys are intelligent, lively animals that belong to the primate family. There are over 260 known monkey species, living mostly in tropical regions of the world. Monkeys are distinguished by their advanced brains, grasping hands and feet, opposable thumbs, flatter faces and forward-facing eyes.

Monkeys live together in troops that can range from a handful to hundreds of individuals. They have complex social structures and advanced communication skills. Troops work together to find food, defend their territory and care for the young. Most monkeys are omnivores and their diets consist of fruits, plants, seeds, nuts, flowers, eggs and small animals.

Monkeys exhibit a wide range of behaviors and adaptations. Smaller monkey species like marmosets and tamarins are agile and can leap distances between trees. Larger primates like mandrills and drills use their powerful jaws to crack open hard nuts and seeds. Highly intelligent species like capuchins and macaques use tools to obtain food and interact well with humans.

There is tremendous diversity among monkey species when it comes to fur color, body size, tails, faces and more. Monkeys communicate through vocalizations, facial expressions and body language. Overall, monkeys are gregarious, playful and fascinating members of the animal kingdom. They continue to be studied extensively to understand more about the evolution of human ancestors.

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